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  • Content Byte

    Market prices of MAP maintained stability in Aug.

    Latest update:2024/08/29

    Keyword:Monoammonium phosphate;Demand;Price


  • Content Byte

    The overall DAP price was stable this month

    Latest update:2024/08/29

    Keyword:Diammonium phosphate;Production/Supply;Demand;Price


  • Content Byte

    Forecast for MAP and DAP prices

    Latest update:2024/08/29

    Keyword:Diammonium phosphate;Monoammonium phosphate;Forecast/Trend;Price


  • Content Byte

    Guizhou Yuneng New Energy Battery Material Co., Ltd. alters its 200,000 t/a FePO4 project

    Latest update:2024/08/29

    Keyword:Ferric phosphate ;Guizhou Yuneng New Energy Battery Material Co., Ltd.;Company dynamics;New project/new production line;Investment

    Description:On 13 Aug., 2024, the environmental impact report of Guizhou Yuneng New Energy Battery Material Co., Ltd. (Guizhou Yuneng)'s project of 200,000 t/a ferric phosphate (FePO4) production line (alteration…

  • Content Byte

    Guizhou Yuneng alters its 200,000 t/a FePO4 project

    Latest update:2024/08/29

    Description:Summary: In early Aug. 2024, the environmental impact report of Guizhou Yuneng's 200,000 t/a FePO4 production line (alteration) project was accepted and publicised

  • Content Byte

    PA prices rise in Aug. 2024

    Latest update:2024/08/29

    Description:Summary: PA prices edged up in Aug. 2024 as the market supply was tight.

  • Content Byte

    Forecast for PA prices

    Latest update:2024/08/29

    Keyword:Phosphoric acid;Forecast/Trend;Price


  • Content Byte

    PA prices rise in Aug. 2024

    Latest update:2024/08/29

    Keyword:Phosphoric acid;Production/Supply;Demand;Price;Market dynamics

    Description:In the first half of Aug., prices of phosphoric acid (PA) in Guizhou Province dropped significantly, while prices in other regions rose slightly. On the supply side, PA output continued to decrease, e…

  • Content Byte

    CCPIA releases Guidelines for Building Smart Factories in the Pesticide Industry

    Latest update:2024/08/29


    Description:On 12 August, the China Crop Protection Industry Association released the T/CCPIA 258-2024 Guidelines for Building Smart Factories in the Pesticide Industry (Guidelines), which applys to the planning …

  • Content Byte

    International oil prices jumps over 3%

    Latest update:2024/08/29


    Description:As of the close on 27 August, WTI oil futures settlement price increased by 3.46% to USD77.42, while Brent oil futures settlement price increased by 3.05% to USD81.43.

  • Content Byte

    Update on three sugar alcohol projects

    Latest update:2024/08/29

    Keyword:Sugar alcohols;XOS;Xylitol;Zhejiang Huakang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.;Harbin Yimei Bioengineering Technology Co., Ltd.;Inner Mongolia Jianyi Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd.;New project/new production line

    Description:Summary: Three projects' EI reports: Inner Mongolia Jianyi's "XOS industrial park construction project", Harbin Yimei's "xylitol production line technological upgrading project", and Huakang Pharma's …

  • Content Byte

    Update on three sugar alcohol projects

    Latest update:2024/08/29

    Keyword:Xylitol;Harbin Yimei Bioengineering Technology Co., Ltd.;New project/new production line

    Description:On 23 Aug., the EI report for the Harbin Yimei Bioengineering Technology Co., Ltd. (Harbin Yimei) "xylitol production line technological upgrading project" was publicised by the local authority. The p…

  • Content Byte

    Update on three sugar alcohol projects

    Latest update:2024/08/29

    Keyword:Prebiotic polysaccharide;Xylose;Lactitol;Corncob;Sorbitol;XOS;Inner Mongolia Jianyi Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd.;New project/new production line

    Description:The environmental impact (EI) report of Inner Mongolia Jianyi Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Inner Mongolia Jianyi)'s "xylo-oligosaccharide (XOS) industrial park construction project" was accepted and p…

  • Content Byte

    Update on three sugar alcohol projects

    Latest update:2024/08/29

    Keyword:Sucrose;Alcohol;Sorbitol;Maltitol;Xylitol;Mannitol;Zhejiang Huakang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.;New project/new production line

  • Content Byte

    Update on three sugar alcohol projects

    Latest update:2024/08/29

    Keyword:Sugar alcohols;Zhejiang Huakang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.;New project/new production line

    Description:On 20 Aug., the Kaihua branch of Quzhou Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau accepted the EI report of Zhejiang Huakang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Huakang Pharma)'s "refined functional sugar alcoho…

  • Content Byte

    Furfural prices rise over 8% MoM in Aug.

    Latest update:2024/08/29


    Description:Summary: Aug. saw furfural prices peak of the year so far, but a gradual downward trend is anticipated for Sept.

  • Content Byte

    Furfural prices rise over 8% MoM in Aug.

    Latest update:2024/08/29


    Description:Going forward, it is projected that the furfural prices may fall in Sept. On one hand, furfural producers will gradually resume production from summer maintenance as weather is getting cooler in Sept.…

  • Content Byte

    Furfural prices rise over 8% MoM in Aug.

    Latest update:2024/08/29


    Description:According to CCM price monitoring, in Aug., China's market price of furfural rose 8.67% MoM to the highest point of USD998/t so far this year, though 6.36% lower compared to the same period last year.…

  • Content Byte

    Import and Export

    Latest update:2024/08/29

    Description:Correction for Corn Products China News 202407 (2 issues in total)

  • Content Byte

    Chinese corn products Imp. & Exp., July 2024

    Latest update:2024/08/29

    Keyword:Inositol;Sodium glutamate;Glutamic acid;Lysine ester and salt;Lysine;Furfuryl alcohol and tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol;Furfural;Sorbitol;Xylitol;Mannitol;Fructose;Glucose;Citrate;Citric acid;Corn starch;Corn;Export;Import