
This will be a description of the different kind of events that we run at CCM and what you can gain from each of them.

  • AgroChemEx & IFAE & AGROTECH 2020

    ACE & IFAE & AGROTECH SHANGHAI is the most important annual event in China crop protection industry, which has successfully been held for 19 sessions with the joint efforts of CCPIA and all partners, as well as witness the development and progress happened in global agrochemical industry.

  • Expert Insights on China Titanium Dioxide Industry

    1. New TiO2 projects under COVID-19 2. COVID-19 impacts on downstream industries 3. Production outputs of leading TiO2 enterprisers over last few months 4. Developments of TiO2 export – Any changes in volume or shifts in export regions/countries for Chinese producers? 5. Ilmenite market – High imported price and Fluctuated domestic price 6. Outlook in the short run and for the coming year – Price and Demand Tuesday September 29th,2020 AT 17:00-17:30 (GMT+8, Beijing time)

  • Market research and analysis of popular pesticides in China

    Agenda Supply and demand in 2019 Major exporters and manufacturers Latest capacity, output and dynamics of key manufacturers Pesticide trade policies in different countries Interpretation of Chinese policy to spur pesticide exportation amid COVID-19 strike Insight: price trend in H1 2020 and market forecast

  • Expert Insights on China Fluorine Industry

    Expert Insights on China Fluorine Industry Recent important industry dynamics Market situation in the H1 of 2020 fluorite (by specs), HF Export analysis of major products fluorite, HF, AlF3, R22, PTFE Future trend of fluorine industry

  • COVID-19's Impact on China Feed Industry and China Feed industry New Policy Interpretation

    Agenda: - China Feed Market Overview - The Dilemma of Feed Industry and the government's measures - Import Analysis of Main Feed Ingredients Jan. -May 2020 - Price and Trends of Main Feed Ingredients Jan.-May 2020 - Price and Trends of Main Feed Additives Jan.-May 2020 - Changes of Feed Industry Under The Epidemic Agenda: - Policy Interpretation on Prohibition of Feed-Used Antibiotics - New Regulation Interpretation on Feed Self-Compounding - Changes of Feed Industry Under The New Policy

  • IFT

    IFT20 is the place, the platform, and the event that will help you imagine, learn, connect, and shift to what’s possible. It’s where we call all come together to advance our work, our science, our technology, and our careers to make the world a better place.

  • Impact of Sino-US Trade War on China Pesticide Industry

    Overview of Sino-trade war in 2018 and 2019 What Chinese pesticide products were affected on the export by the trade war? What influences on crops and demand of pesticides? Challenges and measures to overcome from the Sino-US trade war Development of Sino-trade war in 2020 and possible trend

  • Phosphorus Chemical Industry in China

    Overview of phosphorus chemical industry China’s phosphate rock main features Yellow phosphorus market dynamics in China 2020 Overall situation of China’s phosphate fertilizers industry ( MAP and DAP) STPP annual production situation in China ( 2015-2019)

  • COVID-19's Impact on China Sweetener Industry

    Agenda: - Overview of China Sweetener Market - The impacts on Sweetener production and sales - Analysis of starch sugar's operating rate and profit - Overall export situation and key sweeteners analysis - Price trends of sweeteners from Jan. to Apr.2020 - Recent sweetener market dynamics - Changes of Sweetener industry

  • Herbicide, Insecticide,Fungicide Market Situation in China

    Time: 17:00-17:30 May 14, 2020 (Beijing Time) Agenda: Recent dynamics of China pesticide market and manufacturers Latest policies related to agrochemical industry Export situation briefing Price trend of selected products and influencing factors Developing trend
