Seed China Monthly Report

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Seed China News provides you with real-time intelligence on China's seeds market.
China's seed industry is changing rapidly as the government struggles to create an industry ready to compete with the seed giants of the US and Europe. Accelerating M&A, increasing investment in R&D, strengthening new variety rights and the possible relaxation of restrictions on GMO are all trends that could transform the industry. 
Seed China News will help you stay ahead of the game in this fast-changing market with real-time reporting on everything affecting China's seed market, from new research to fluctuations in the grain markets. This includes:
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Main Content of Seed China News 202008

Price of this issue :
USD 46

Published on 31st August, 2020

According to China Customs, dual MoM increases were seen in import and export of vegetable seed in July, 2020. China exported 141,015 kg of vegetable seed in July, 2020, with the value of USD3,241,980, up by 67.23% and 42.50% MoM, respectively. A total of 866,451 kg of vegetable seed were imported to China in July, 2020, with the value of USD19,337,469 that up by 7.44% MoM, respectively.

Published on 31st August, 2020

According to China Customs, China's import and export of corn seed in July, 2020 both went down MoM. Specifically, China imported 1,272 kg of corn seed in July, 2020, with the value of USD12,816, down by 2.38% and 16.80% MoM. China exported 45,031kg of corn seed in July, 2020, with the value of USD93,738, down by 6.23% and 6.26% MoM.

Published on 31st August, 2020

Published on 31st August, 2020

Published on 31st August, 2020

Published on 31st August, 2020

Published on 31st August, 2020

Published on 31st August, 2020

Published on 31st August, 2020

Published on 31st August, 2020

Published on 31st August, 2020

Published on 31st August, 2020

Published on 31st August, 2020

Published on 31st August, 2020

Published on 31st August, 2020

Published on 31st August, 2020

Published on 31st August, 2020

Published on 31st August, 2020

Published on 31st August, 2020

On 31 July, 2020, the Bureau of Seed Management, MOA made available the list of crop varieties that had passed Henan Provincial Crop Variety Review for public comments. There are 36 corn varieties, 9 rice varieties, 16 soybean varieties and 5 cotton varieties on the list.

Published on 31st August, 2020

The Beijing Municipal Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs released the list of non-staple crop varieties that have passed the city's Preliminary Non-Staple Crop Variety Review for public review.

Published on 31st August, 2020

On 17 Aug., Syngenta completed the acquisition of Sensako, a South African company specialising in grain seed related businesses.

Published on 31st August, 2020

Since the beginning of 2020, China's agricultural and financial authorities at all levels have accelerated the implementation of the subsidies for farmers to purchase agricultural machinery, thus supporting spring and summer farming, and consequently, the eradication of poverty. As of 31 July, altogether USD1.64 billion (RMB11.48 billion), or 67.50% of the dedicated budget allocated by China's Treasury have been spent on subsidising the purchase across the country, benefiting 1.21 million farmers who have in total purchased 1.41 million units (sets) of agricultural machinery.

Published on 31st August, 2020

On 14 Aug., the Chinese NDRC and the MOFCOM jointly issued the Agricultural Product Import Tariff Quotas Announcement 2020, detailing the redistribution of import tariff quotas for corn and wheat. Transactions of auctions of corn temporarily stored by the state have been curbed by policy regulations.

Published on 31st August, 2020

On 19 and 20 Aug., the National Meeting on the Prevention and Control of Major Diseases and Pests Blighting Autumn Grain Crops was held in Changsha County, Hunan Province. At the meeting, the attendees analysed the occurrence of the major diseases and pests, and made arrangements for the prevention and control. It's emphasised at the meeting that it is necessary to understand the extreme importance of the prevention and control and to take strengthened and firm steps to put those efforts in place, so as to ensure that the diseases and pests won't damage more than 5% of autumn grain crops, and consequently, contribute to another bumper harvest.

Published on 31st August, 2020

According to MOA, since the beginning of the flood season in 2020, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River have entered the rainy season which came earlier and lasted longer than normal years. The rain has spread out across wide regions with high precipitation, with some areas having experienced heavy floods. The floods came at a time when it was the critical moments for early rice filling and harvest, middle rice field management and late rice seedling raising and transplanting, which has adversely affected rice production and therefore, raised concerns across society. When the floods occurred, MOA brought together a task force made up of rice experts. They conducted field trips to evaluate the impacts of the floods, and provided region specific guidance on the post-floods rice production, so as to minimise the losses caused by the disaster. According to the field trips and surveys, the flood-struck areas were relatively concentrated. Early rice was hit the hardest, and single cropping semilate rice and late rice were affected to varying degree. Despite the disaster, a bumper harvest is still possible thanks to the increased planting area and enhanced cropping technologies.

Published on 31st August, 2020

As of 2020 Aug., the semilate rice in South China and Jiangnan Region, and the single cropping rice in Southwest China and Northeast China have been in a growth stage ranging from earing and flowering to filling. The late rice in South China and Jiangnan Region, and the single cropping rice in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and Jianghuai Region have been in a stage ranging from tillering to jointing and booting. From mid-July to early Aug., the location of the subtropical highs was stable in rice's early growth stage when the Yangtze River basin experienced continuous rains. In the later stages, because of the Typhoon Hagupit and the northward movement of the major rainbrand, the eastern coastal areas in South China and Jiangnan Region, the northern part of Southwest China and Jianghuai Region experienced heavy rainfall, which was favourable for the migration, reproduction and infestation of rice plant hopper and rice leaf roller in Southern China. At present, rice planthopper has occurred moderately on the whole, with certain areas being blighted in a relatively heavy manner. A total of 98.14 million mu of rice field has been affected, which is 14% higher than both the figure in the same period of the previous year and the average of the past 5 years. Rice leaf roller has occurred relatively heavily across the country, with some areas being heavily plagued. A total of 87.90 million mu of rice field has been blighted, which is 29% and 38% higher than that of the same period in the previous year and the average of the past 5 years, respectively.

Published on 31st August, 2020

In 2020 Aug., the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River witnessed the semilate rice in its joining and booting stages, and the late rice in the tillering stage. Due to the incessant rain and lack of sunshine in the early growth stage, some semilate rice has experienced delays in their growth and the rice population was weak overall. Some late rice's transplanting has been postponed, which prolonged the time the seedlings stay in the raising field, and consequently, caused the them to be relatively high and weak. Faced with the challenges, an expert panel from MOA, together with NATESC, provided the guidance on the field management of semilate and late rice in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in 2020. The guidance is centered around strengthened field management, balanced conditions, increased number of grains per ear, and prevention of pests and diseases. Here are the specifics.

Published on 28th August, 2020

On 18 Aug., Syngenta Group and CAAS signed a Strategic Collaboration Framework Agreement in Beijing on further strengthening their cooperation in seed R&D and talent development, and promoting the China's exchanges with the leading seed company on technologies.

Published on 28th August, 2020

According to the Henan Provincial Reserve Bureau of Grain and Material, the province has reaped a bumper summer harvest, with a total grain output of 37.54 billion kg, an increase of 80 million kg over last year. As of 10 Aug., altogether 8.12 billion kg of wheat produced by the province had been purchased, 5.73 billion kg less than this time last year. Among them, a total of 230 million kg were procured at the minimum support price by governments, down 6.54 billion kg YoY, while altogether 7.89 billion kg were purchased at the market price, up 800 million kg YoY.

Published on 27th August, 2020

According to the NBC, China reaps a bumper summer harvest in 2020 again, with its total grain output reaching a record high of 142.81 million tonnes. It is worth noting that, as a major crop harvested in summer, wheat has experienced a YoY increase of 0.60% in its output while its sowing area has been reduced by 1.20%. It can be seen that the credit goes to the rise in wheat yield per mu. Among various contributors to the increase in yield per mu, variety improvements feature prominently as the input of other factors such as fertilsers, agrochemicals, water resources and agricultural machinery is relatively stable.

Published on 14th August, 2020

On 6 Aug., 2020 it was learned from NATESC that the center held the 2020 Summer Meeting on National Crop Seed Production, Supply and Demand on 24 July. At the meeting, the attendees took stock of the producing area of crop seeds to sow next spring and summer and the harvest of crop seeds to sow this autumn and winter, summarised the characteristics of the seed market in the H1, 2020, and laid out the requirements on how to improve the seed industry information system. At the meeting, representatives from Jiangxi Province, Jiangsu Province and Sichuan Province made remarks. Other attendees included representatives from the provincial (or autonomous regional, or municipal) authorities governing the seed industry within their jurisdiction.

Published on 14th August, 2020

On 5 Aug., MOA issued an announcement, granting registration to 1,064 varieties of 22 non-staple crops. So far, altogether 26,000 applications for the registration of non-staple crop varieties have been filed, and 20,545 varieties have been approved by MOA.

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