Global H1 2012 stainless steel output fell by 0.2pct YoY

Publish time: 28th September, 2012      Source: ChinaCCM
Information collection and data processing:  CCM     For more information, please contact us

Preliminary figures released by the International Stainless Steel Forum show that stainless steel crude steel production has been stable in the first half of 2012 with a slight decrease of just 0.2% YoY as compared to the same period of 2011.

Total production for the first six months of 2012 was 17.2 million tonnes. Please note that ISSF has made some amendments for the Chinese figure for 2011 in order to provide a better comparability.

In Asia with China excluded, stainless steel production increased by 2.2% to 4.5 million tonnes. There was a mixed performance of the individual Asian countries in the period of review: While Korea and India showed increased production volumes the stainless crude steel production decreased in Japan and Taiwan, China. China increased the stainless steel production in the period of review by 1.1% (after corrections made by ISSF) to 7.1 million tonnes.

Western Europe Africa experienced a slightly shrinking development in stainless steel production during the first six months of 2012. Total production was 4.3 million tonnes (minus 0.5%) in this period. Also in this area there was a split development showing production changes from plus 11% to minus 14% after the first six months of 2012.