CCM Newly Published China Market Report of Phosphorus Ore Resource

Publish time: 7th January, 2011      Source: CCM
Information collection and data processing:  CCM     For more information, please contact us

      CCM publishes its first market research report on phosphorus ore, Phosphorus Ore Resource in China, in Feb. 2010. This report represents a comprehensive view of phosphorus ore in China, including detailed information about ore reserves, grade of ore, economic value, distribution, etc., as well as the introduction to major enterprises covering the information on capacity, operating rate, mining right of phosphorus ore, competitiveness, research of phosphorus ore market, etc. At the end of this report, it provides you the forecast on Chinese phosphorus ore reserves and production.




      Currently, China is the world's second largest country in phosphorus ore reserves, with about 6.786 million tonnes, following Morocco. Though the resource is abundant, its grade is low in general, with average grade (content of phosphorus pentoxide) of only about 17%. Phosphorus ore reserves with grade of 30% or above is only 1.108 million tonnes in China, accounting for only 8% of the total reserves.




      As downstream industries of phosphorus ore, with the rapid development of phosphate fertilizer and phosphate chemicals, phosphorus ore consumption is becoming large in China. Based on current consumption situation of phosphorus ore, experts predict that Chinese high-grade phosphorus ore will have been exhausted by 2013.




      The market report mainly focuses on the following reports:


      -Reserves of Chinese phosphorus ore


      -Phosphorus ore distribution among enterprises


      -Market situation of phosphorus ore


      -Future prospect, based on series of researches about production, consumption and policy impacts



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