Liaoning coke market keeps stable

Publish time: 16th October, 2011      Source: ChinaCCM
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Coke prices keep stable in Northeast China Liaoning province.

The ex-works price of II grade metallurgical coke in Yingkou stabilizes at CNY 2,030 per tonne, in Shenyang, coking enterprisers maintain their offer for I grade metallurgical coke at CNY 2,080 per tonne.

Recently, steel mills based in Liaoning province keeps their coke purchase price unchanged given the stable steel market. Several steel mills suspend their purchasing activity due to the high level inventory and financial strain.

Currently, steel mills in Anshan, situated in the central part of Liaoning, purchase I grade metallurgical coke from North Eastern regions at CNY 2,080 per tonne and II grade metallurgical coke at CNY 2,000 per tonne, both with delivery to the mills, the procurement price of I grade metallurgical coke from Hebei province stands at CNY 2,170 per tonne.

In Fushun, steel mills purchase I grade metallurgical coke and II grade metallurgical coke at CNY 2,100 per tonne and CNY 2,040 per tonne respectively. At present, a small number of coking enterprises in Liaoning, under pressure of high coal costs, announce to uplift prices. However, steel mills sit on their hands given the uncertainties of steel market outlook. Market participants predict that Liaoning coke market will be steady-going in the short term.