Yunnan Province coke prices edge up

Publish time: 21st September, 2011      Source: ChinaCCM
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Coke prices edge up in Southwest China's Yunnan Province.

The EXW price of III grade metallurgical coke (A<15%, Mt<7%) in Kunming increased by CNY 50 per tonne to CNY 2,050 per tonne to CNY 2,060 per tonne; in Qujing, III grade metallurgical coke (A<14.5%, Mt<7%) price was CNY 2,050 per tonne, up CNY 50 per tonne.

Currently, many coal mines are kept idled due to the frequent occurrence of mining accidents since this year. The tight supply of coking coal and low coke production pushed up coke prices in the region.

A small number of local steel mills hiked their purchase price by CNY 30 per tonne to 50 per tonne in a bid to secure coke supply from coking plants. Steel mills based in Guizhou and Guangxi provinces keep their purchase price unchanged. Currently, the majority of coking plants in Yunnan are fighting to meet local demand.