China Shenhua Energy’s coal sales up 13.6 percent in January-July

Publish time: 23rd August, 2012      Source: ChinaCCM
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On August 21, China's largest coal mining company, Beijing-headquartered stated-owned China Shenhua Energy Co., issued its operational results for July and the first seven months of this year.

In July this year, China Shenhua Energy's commercial coal output amounted to 25.2 million mt, up 9.1 percent year on year, while its coal sales volume totaled 31.6 million mt, down 1.6 percent on year-on-year basis.
In the January-July period this year, China Shenhua Energy's commercial coal production totaled 181 million mt, up 10.7 percent, while its coal sales volume reached 254 million mt, rising by 13.6 percent, both year on year.