China's pesticide demand is predicted to increase by 2.69% in 2011

Publish time: 28th October, 2010      Source: CCM
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      Guangzhou China Oct. 28, 2010 - According to the statistics from 31 provinces in China, Shao Zhenrun, director of National Agricultural Technical Extension and Service Center, said that the total demand of China's pesticide is predicted to be 308,200 tonnes, up 2.69% compared with last year.
      In 2011, the demand of insecticide will decrease slightly to 124,900 tonnes, down 1.43% compared with last year according to different types of pesticides, Shao said. The demand of fungicides will increase to 7.28 million tonnes in 2011, up 2.94% compared with last year; the demand of herbicide is expected to be 97,500 tonnes , up 9.33% compared with last year. On the other hand, the demand of plant growth regulators will decrease to 3,219.96 tonnes in 2011, down 2.48% compared with last year; the demand of rodenticides will decrease sharply to 177.12 tonnes, down 51% compared with last year.
      Shao said that the changes of china's pesticide market can be reflected from the following three aspects. First, there are no significant differences between slack season and peak season. Second, products' prices are changeable. Some products' prices rise due to shortages of raw materials, relocation, shutdown, etc., while others decline due to raw material's low price and overcapacity. Third, superiority of brand appears outstanding gradually. According to the statistics from 31 provinces in China, among the variety of pesticides whose demand is above 1 million tonnes are dichlorvos, acetochlor, glyphosate, copper sulfate, carbendazim, trichlorfon, Shao said. The provinces which the demand is between 2 and 3 million tonnes are Heilongjiang Provence, Shandong Provence and Guangdong Provence. The provinces which the demand is between 1 and 2 million tonnes are Liaoning Provence province, Yunnan Provence, Jiangsu Provence, Hubei Provence, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Anhui Provence, Henan Provence, Hunan Provence, Sichuan Provence, Jiangxi Provence, Hebei Provence, Jilin Provence and Zhejiang Provence.




      Source: CCM International