Crimean Titan increased titanium dioxide production by 6% in Q1 2014

Publish time: 22nd April, 2014      Source: mrcplast
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Crimean Titan increased titanium dioxide production by 6% in Q1 2014 Time:2014-04-22 Sources of information:mrcplast

MOSCOW (MRC) - JSC "Crimean Titan" (Armyansk, Crimea), part of Group DF Firtash, increased the production of titanium dioxide by 6% to 26,600 tonnes in the first quarter of 2014, according to the companie''s press-release.

The company increased its production of sulfuric acid by 9% to 137.649 tonnes in the first quarter of 2014. The producer''s total production of titanium dioxide was 108,000 tonnes in 2013, while in 2012 it was 106,000 tonnes.

The company plans to produce 110,000 tonnes of titanium dioxide in 2014.

The company has launched 660,000 tonnes/year unit for sulfuric acid, which helped to increase the production of main products. New sulfuric acid unit provides feedstock for 120,000 tonnes/year production of titanium dioxide.

As MRC reported previously, "Crimean Titan" can be shut if the delivery of feedstock from Dnepropetrovsk and Zhytomyr regions are stopped.

Private Joint Stock Company "Crimean Titan" was found in August, 2004.  100% of the shares belong to Ostchem Germany GmbH, a member of the Group DF. The main activity of PJSC "Crimean Titan" - the production of titanium dioxide pigment grades, which is used in paint, rubber industry, plastics industry and many other industries.

Titanium dioxide accounts for about 90% of the companie''s total exports. The company supplies its products to more than 60 countries.

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