IFFO welcomes the joint MoU by ASC, GAA, GlobalGAP for responsible sourcing of fishmeal and fish oil

Publish time: 20th November, 2013      Source: World Fishing
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ASC, GAA, GlobalGAP sign MoU for responsible sourcing of fishmeal and fish oil
IFFO welcomes the joint ASC/GAA/GobalGAP announcement on common requirements for the sourcing of fish meal and fish oil (FMFO) for farmed fish diets.  This move to harmonise feed requirements between certification schemes is another step in helping aquaculture buyers seek responsibly sourced products. 
In the official joint statement by the three standard setting organisations, they state that by setting common criteria ‘’This will better promote the responsible sourcing of FMFO, for the benefit of the environment and the future sustainability of the fisheries and other FMFO-sources utilized by the aqua feed and livestock feed sectors.’’
The following chart taken from the joint statement summarises the current FMFO sourcing requirements of the three parties. It identifies the crosscutting elements that are covered in all 3 programs and from which feed manufacturers can choose to expand in order to meet one or more of these programs.

The chart also demonstrates the important role that IFFO’s Responsible Supply certification standard (IFFO RS) continues to play in all three certification schemes.  As an independently assessed and ISO65 accredited scheme recognised by all three standard setters, IFFO RS is a vital tool in improving sustainability of marine ingredients. IFFO RS is a business-to business certification programme that assures the animal feed, food and nutraceutical value chains that these key ingredients are both responsibly produced and enables a compliant factory to demonstrate this. 
The PDF version of the joint statement can be accessed here

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Please contact:    Georgie Harris, Communications and Membership Manager
Notes for Editors
  1. IFFO represents the fishmeal and fish oil industry worldwide. IFFO’s members reside in more than 30 countries, account for two-thirds of world production and 80% of fishmeal and fish oil traded worldwide. Approximately 5 million tonnes of fishmeal are produced each year globally, together with 1 million tonnes of fish oil. IFFO’s headquarters are located in St Albans in the United Kingdom and it also has offices in Lima, Peru, and in Beijing, China. IFFO is an accredited Observer to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).
2.       The Global Standard for Responsible Supply (IFFO RS) is a business-to-business certification programme that enables a compliant factory to demonstrate that it responsibly sources its raw material from well-managed fisheries and responsibly converts that into pure and safe products.
To be certified fishmeal and fish oil factories must demonstrate sourcing from well managed fisheries and safe and traceable production. Assessments are conducted by an independent certification body and in just over two years, IFFO RS has successfully attracted 90 certified factories, spread across nine countries. Two of the largest sustainably managed fisheries in the world, Peruvian Anchovy and Alaskan Pollock have been approved for supply into the manufacturing food chain including whole fish and by- product raw material to produce certified fishmeal and fish oil. For more information visit the IFFO RS Website - http://www.iffo.net/iffo-rs
  1. Fishmeal is a natural, balanced, highly nutritious feed ingredient used in diets for farmed fish and crustaceans and as a high protein supplement in nutritionally demanding periods in the life cycle of pigs and poultry, as well as in pet food.
  1. Fish oil is the major natural source (97%) of the healthy long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, EPA and DHA. Most fish oil is used in feeds for farmed fish and there is an expanding market for fish oil for human nutritional supplements and functional foods.

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