Trial operation of the oil pavilion

Publish time: 16th April, 2010      Source: CNPC
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    On April 15, the 6,200 square kilometers oil pavilion, jointly built by CNPC, China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec) and China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), stated its view to the pubic to interpret how "Oil – Extending City Dreams".

At the starting ceremony of the trial operation of the oil pavilion, CNPC Vice President Wang Yilin introduced the pavilion on behalf the three state owned oil companies. He explained the connotation of "Oil – Extending City Dreams", which is that the petroleum and petrochemical industry shall sketch its future development based on the need of a low carbon economy and the sustainable development of mankind. This connotation will be shown by a series of high-tech means, setting forth the theme of Expo 2010 "Better City, Better Life".