Lanzhou-Zhengzhou section of the Lanzhou-Zhengzhou-Changsha Products Pipeline comes into operation

Publish time: 1st April, 2009      Source: CNPC
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    On March 30, the 1188.1-km-long Lanzhou-Zhengzhou Section of the Lanzhou-Zhengzhou-Changsha Products Pipeline was successfully put into operation.


    The Lanzhou-Zhengzhou-Changsha pipeline, by way of five provinces including Gansu, Shaanxi, Henan, Hubei and Hunan, starts from Lanzhou, the capital city of Gansu Province, and ends at Changsha, the capital city of Hunan Province, with its trunk length of 2069.7 kilometers. The pipeline started to be constructed on August 18, 2007, and is expected to deliver 15 million tons of refined products every year.


    At present, preparation works for the operation of the Zhengzhou-Changsha section is ongoing, and which is planned to become operational by the end of June.