CNPC ensures orderly response to Sichuan earthquake

Publish time: 16th May, 2008      Source: CNPC
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CNPC immediately took emergency measures following the massive earthquake that hit southwest China. On May 12, CNPC issued an emergency telegraph to call for disaster relief and enhancing the safety of its operations. An emergency headquarters was established to effectively evacuate people, distribute rescue goods and materials, and to ensure production continues normally.

The notice asks all companies and entities to take effective measures to minimize the damage caused by the disaster and pay close attention to earthquake forecasts and give priority to people's safety, take strict precautions against aftershocks and enhance disaster monitoring and countermeasures, and strengthen production management and try their best to ensure the normal operation and supply of oil products and gas. In addition, the notice calls on disaster rescue agencies, including firefighters, to be well-prepared to take part in local disaster relief activities. In order to be ready to carry out such work, CNPC shall positively coordinate with local governments to assist people affected by the disaster, enhance safety management and anti-terrorist works in key sections and critical facilities, and reinforce security management in mining communities in quake-hit areas to ensure social stability.