Construction of the second section of the Kazakhstan-China Oil Pipeline begins

Publish time: 13th December, 2007      Source: CNPC
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On December 11, the commencement ceremony for the second section of the Kazakhstan-China Oil Pipeline was held in Aktobe, Kazakhstan. Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Massimov attended the ceremony and gave an address. Ma Fucai, Deputy Director of the Office of the National Energy Leading Group, read acongratulatory letter from Chinese Vice-Premier Wu Yi and made a speech. Aslan Musin, Speaker of Majilis of Parliament of Kazakhstan, CNPC Vice-President Wang Fucheng and Chinese Ambassador to Kazakhstan Zhang Xiyun attended the ceremony, along with Chinese and Kazakh staff.

The Kazakhstan-China Oil Pipeline is jointly invested by CNPC and KazMunaiGaz, with each owning a 50% stake. The pipeline, with a total length of 2,798 kilometers, starts at Atyrau at the Caspian Sea and ends at Alataw Pass on the border of Kazakhstan and China, going via Aktobe. The 448-km prophase section between Atyrau and Kenkiyak was completed and went on stream at the end of 2003. The 962-km first section between Atasu and Alataw Pass was put into operation in May 2006. The Kenkiyak-Kumkol segment of the second section has a length of 761 kilometers and is to be completed and begin operations on October 1, 2009.