High-yield industrial oil flow discovered at depth of 3,000 meters in Daqing

Publish time: 10th January, 2007      Source: CNPC
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    Oil show was observed in Cretaceousformation in well Fang 6 drilled in the Sanjiang Basin on January 1, and high-yield industrial oil flow was obtained after fracturing. It is the first time a high-yield industrial oil flow has been discovered in strata deeper than 3,000 meters in the exploration of Daqing Oilfield. Following Hailaer Basin, it is another significant discovery in the exploration history of Daqing Oilfield.

Well Fang 6 was spudded in November 2005 and completed in March 2006 with a total depth of 3,120 meters and an interpreted oil formation thickness of 34.2 meters. A high-yield oil flow was obtained after a fracturing and production test on January 1. High-yield industrial oil flow discovered at depth of 3,000 meters in Daqing