Qing-Xian oil pipeline in operation

Publish time: 27th November, 2006      Source: CNPC
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The crude oil from Xifeng Oilfield in Gansu Province arrived at Xianyang terminal station in Shaanxi on November 25 , marking the completion of the first digital pipeline in Changqing Oilfield. Thus, a circular crude oil gathering and transportation network covering Shaan-Gan-Ning area has been formed.

Qing-Xian oil pipeline is the "throat" of the network, with a total length of 260 km, pipe diameter 377 mm and annual deliverability 3 million tons. The circular network, composing of Jing-Ma pipeline, Ma-Hui-Ning pipeline, Jing-Hui pipeline, Jing-Xian pipeline and Qing-Xian pipeline, makes it possible to smartly dispatch crude oil produced from major oilfields, such as Longdong, Ansai, Jing'an and Suijing, to Xingxia, Lanzhou and Shaanxi. It is strategically significant to widening crude transportation channel from Changqing Oilfield to the South China, releasing more and more conflicts in production and transportation in the field, supporting the expansion of Changqing Petrochemical and the national "West Oil to the East" strategy, as well as to driving economic progress in peripheral areas.