Minister Han Changfu meets his counterparts in Myanmar

Publish time: 26th September, 2014      Source: MOA
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Minister Han Changfu meets his counterparts in Myanmar

DATE:2014-09-26           SOURCE:MOA

During his visit to Myanmar for the 14th Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry Plus Three (AMAF+3), Minister Han Changfu met with Mr. U Myint Hlaing, Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation, and Mr. Ohn Myint, Minister for Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development of the host country, respectively on Sept. 24, 2014. Minister Han and his counterparts exchanged views on further cooperation in agriculture, livestock and fisheries between China and Myanmar.


At the meeting with U Myint Hlaing, Minister Han made positive comments on China-Myanmar agricultural cooperation, noting that remarkable achievements were made in agro-technology exchange, demonstration and extension of quality crop production and human resource development. China and Myanmar are highly complementary in agriculture and enjoy great potential for further cooperation. China stands ready to work with Myanmar to cement and deepen agricultural cooperation.


In addition, Minister Han proposed that the two sides establish agricultural cooperation mechanisms as soon as possible and formulate a workplan for agricultural cooperation which focuses on agro-technology demonstration and extension, joint control of transboundary animal and plant diseases, capacity building, and agricultural investment and trade.


At the meeting with Ohn Myint, Minister Han proposed that China and Myanmar intensify the cooperation between animal production and health authorities, with emphasis on animal disease information exchange and development of Disease Free Zone (DFZ) in border areas, and also promote the collaboration on fishing and aquaculture, training and technical exchange, and agricultural trade.


The two Ministers expressed their support to Minister Han''s proposals. They welcomed investment by Chinese agri-businesses in agriculture, livestock ad fisheries sectors in Myanmar, hoping to increase agricultural productivity and competitiveness of Myanmar and also to meet China''s demand for high-quality agri-products.


Minister Han''s meeting with U Myint Hlaing concluded with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and the Ministry of Agriculture of the People''s Republic of China on Enhancing Cooperation in Agriculture.


Accompanied by U Myint Hlaing, Minister Han paid a visit to a modern agro-technology demonstration park and an organic farm in Myanmar.