Vice Minister Chen Xiaohua attends MDG Goals Award Ceremony

Publish time: 18th June, 2014      Source: Information Office, MOA
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Vice Minister Chen Xiaohua attends MDG Goals Award Ceremony

DATE:2014-06-18           SOURCE:Information Office, MOA

Vice Minister Chen Xiaohua, headed a Chinese delegation, attended the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Award Ceremony at the headquarters of Rome-based UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on June 16, 2014, and met the FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva after the ceremony.


A diploma was awarded to China for obtaining the MDG-1, i.e. to halve the number of hungry population before the end of 2015 compared to the level in 1990.


In his speech at the ceremony, Chen gave a brief account of policies and measures taken by China in boosting agricultural and rural development and ensuring food security. The award signifies recognition from a UN agency for China''s outstanding achievements in fulfilling the MDG-1 ahead of schedule, and also applause from the international community for China''s endeavor in agricultural development and meeting the MDGs.


The MDGs were established at the UN General Assembly in 2000. 

At the meeting with FAO DG, Chen briefed on the latest developments of agriculture and rural economy in China. He also expressed China''s readiness to further cooperation with FAO under the framework of South-South Cooperation program, in the development of international training centers, human resource development, setting of international development goals and Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems.

Graziano da Silva spoke highly of China''s growth in agriculture and rural economy, saying that China''s success in fulfilling the MDGs is encouraging for other developing countries. And he wished to further deepen and broaden FAO''s cooperation with China.


In addition, Vice Minister Chen attended and addressed a symposium on South-South Cooperation, a side event to the ceremony.