Higher Insecticide Production Cost in China

Publish time: 21st February, 2011      Source: CCM
Information collection and data processing:  CCM     For more information, please contact us

      Entering 2011, the market prices of most insecticides begin to rise. Compared with their average market prices in Q4 2010, most products, such as imidacloprid TC, acetamiprid TC, lambda-cyhalothrin TC, cypermethrin TC and imidacloprid TC, have seen steady growth in market price in Jan. 2011. Pushed by the increasing cost, insecticide production has stepped into a high-cost phase.




      The high cost can be attributed to climbing raw material price; rising integrated cost of environmental protection; high registration fees abroad and increasing spending on solving trade frictions. Focus will be put on climbing raw material price.




      The production of insecticides is closely related with the price of upstream chemical raw materials. The dramatic increase in raw material price has quickly pushed up the market prices of most insecticides in Jan. 2011.




      Taking imidacloprid TC and acetamiprid TC for examples, both of their prices are greatly affected by the price of 98% 2-Chloro-5-chloromethylpyridine (98% CCMP), a key intermediate in production. In 2010, the variations in their prices were generally keeping in line with 98% CCMP. In Jan. 2011, the price of 98% CCMP soars to USD15,083/t, with a YoY growth of 22.6%; while the prices of imidacloprid TC and acetamiprid TC reach USD17,297/t and USD14,281/t, with a YoY growth of 27.5% and 12.1% respectively.











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