Brazil's public prosecutor urges ban of Monsanto's glyphosate herbicide

Publish time: 15th April, 2014      Source:
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April 15, 2014



Brazil''s public prosecutor urges ban of Monsanto''s glyphosate herbicide


The federal public prosecutor in Brazil requested that the Justice Department immediately suspend the use of glyphosate - the most widely used herbicide in the country, according to Brazilian media.



In addition, the prosecutor is also seeking a challenge to ban other potentially harmful chemicals. The first action filed sought to compel the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) to re-evaluate the toxicity of eight active ingredients suspected of causing damage to human health and the environment. The second action filed questioned the registration of pesticides containing 2,4-D herbicide, applied to combat broadleaf weeds.



The actions request a preliminary injunction, calling on the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply to suspend the registration of products until a final determination is made about their toxicity by ANVISA.



The prosecutor''s civil suit asks that the National Biosafety Technical Commission be prohibited from releasing the commercialisation of transgenic seeds resistant to the herbicides before the final decision by ANVISA.



Glyphosate was developed as a herbicideby Monsantoin the early 1970s, and was brought to the market under the "Roundup" brand, which is now the most commonly used herbicide the world over.



New evidence suggests that glyphosate can become very toxic to the human kidney once it is mixed with "hard" water or metals like arsenic, cadmium, magnesium, strontium and iron, as well as others. Glyphosate is toxic enough on its own.



As new research emerges indicating its potential to amplify toxicity, more nations such as Sri Lanka and El Salvador are taking action.



In March, Brazil''s Federal Appeals Court ruled to cancel use of Bayer''s genetically modified (GM) LibertyLink corn. Also last month, France banned the sale, use and cultivation of Monsanto''s GM MON 810 corn after new research found that insects in the United States are developing a resistance to the GM corn.