Subsidy for Drought Resistance and Drain Production in Shanxi

Publish time: 21st February, 2011      Source: CCM
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      Guangzhou China Feb. 21, 2011- In order to support the work of drought resistance and stabilize grain production in Shanxi Province, In mid-February, Department of Finance in Shanxi Province released a subsidy of USD343 million (RMB2.23 billion) for grain production to increase their income.




      There are significant increases in the total amount of grain subsidies in Shanxi Province, up 11% to USD 33 million compared with that of 2010. The subsidy of wheat reached USD147.73/ha., up by USD9.0/ha., and the subsidy of corn reached USD97.73 /ha., up by USD6.8/ha. year on year in 2010.




      In order to ensure the subsidy given out timely, Department of Finance in Shanxi Province has made specific programs about direct subsidies and comprehensive agricultural subsidies, which will make all the subsidies to grain peasants in full payment before the end of March. At the same time, the government has strengthened the assessment efforts of executive departments and ensures the implementation of grain subsidy policy.




      Source: CCM International