December 26, 2011
Twelve million tonnes feed material traded under EFISC (Press Release)
A year after the introduction of the European Feed Ingredient Safety Certification (EFISC), the production of feed materials by certified manufacturing sites has reached over 12 million tonnes.
Today over 60 manufacturers all over the EU have applied for certification. So far, 32 manufacturing sites have been certified producing over 12 million tonnes of feed materials which represent 27% of the processed feed material volume manufactured in the EU 27.
This collaboration between the companies manufacturing feed materials will lead to a further strengthening of the feed safety culture in the EU. Furthermore it will lead, by applying harmonised requirements, to a better facilitation of trade in the EU internal market. In this spirit the process of mutual recognition with the scheme owners GMP+, OVOCOM, QS and AIC has started with the aim to come to an agreement by the end of 2012.
"The involvement in EFISC of feed safety experts from member companies ensures that we implement the right requirements to guarantee best practice in feed safety," Henry van Sadelhoff, president of EFISC said. "The EFISC certificate is a strong achievement. It shows our commitment to safe feed as integral part of the food chain. I would like to thank all participants for their continuous support."
The EFISC Code was developed as a result of the shared commitment between the starch industry (AAF) and the oilseed crushing, oil refining and protein meal industry (FEDIOL) within the framework of the European Feed Ingredients Platform (EFIP). The Code is based on the European Guide to good practice for the industrial manufacture of safe feed materials, endorsed by the European Commission and the EU Member States in 2010. The code is open to other feed material producing sectors to join.