Swiss feed manufacturer invests in organic feedmill

Publish time: 23rd September, 2010      Source:
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September 23, 2010



Swiss feed manufacturer invests in organic feedmill


Swiss feed manufacturer UFA has converted its old mill enterprise in Hofmatt, Switzerland, into an organic feedmill.



This is after the company had moved to a new mill in Biblis, Germany. UFA had invested CHF2 million (US$2 million) in renovating the old mill.



"In the summer of 2010 we invested CHF2 million in Hofmatt where a high proportion of Swiss organic raw materials is processed," said Wendy Strebel, president of the UFA, at the opening ceremony.



The investment reduces the energy consumption by 100,000 kWh per year, and the new molasses machine allows faster and more flexible feed production. Furthermore the modernised computer system allows a more accurate traceability of the different feed ingredients. The flexibility gained makes it possible to offer crumbled feeds for different animal species. The testing facilities also are modernised to further optimise feed production.



The potential in organic livestock production is far from exhausted. At present, organic eggs and organic pigs are actively sought. Pigs and chickens are a challenge for organic farms, however, because their feed can be produced only a small part on the farm. "That''s why our professional partners such as organic farms have to rely on UFA to further develop the markets," said Regina Fuhrer, president of Bio Suisse.



"An important future prospect would be in this regard that UFA further develops the market in cooperation with organic farmers - and this in balance of supply and demand," he said. Fuhrer also mentioned that it was important for expansion of the supply of pork and eggs to be done together with the cultivation of organic crops, in order to maintain the credibility of the chain.



Last year the market for organic meat in has increased by 16.8%, but with 2% the market share is still very modest. Demand is present. "Above all organic pigs could still be used much more," said Hans-Georg Kessler, product manager of meat Bio Suisse. For three years, supermarket Coop wants more pigs, and with the launch of the Migros-Bio-offensive, the demand exacerbated. While regular pigs are priced at only about CHF3.50 (US$3.54) the organic pig farmers can look forward to a more than double price of CHF7.20 (US$7.28) per kilo slaughter weight. For piglets the price difference is even more impressive- 20kg organic piglets at CHF11(US$11.12) per kg, while regular piglets are traded at CHF4 (US$4.04) per kg or less. If organic pig farmers do not take advantage of these price differences, the call for imports will become louder, according to Kessler. Therefore it is important that the production of ecological raised pigs increases.