Adifo introduces new version of BESTMIX

Publish time: 18th June, 2009      Source:
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June 18, 2009


Adifo introduces new version of BESTMIX
Press Release

Adifo, a solution provider for the agricultural industry, has introduced its new version of BESTMIX that promises to improve efficiency and profitability.



The software can create multi-level compound structures that correspond to the production process, and each included compound can be controlled. New priority rules also ensure the sequence on the declaration is always adhered to from the first optimisation result.



The multi-level module is an easy tool to optimise petfood compounds or compound feed with included premixes or special concentrates. The software allows users to see the consolidated ingredient composition of the main feed and each included sub-compound with the possibility to enter constraints at all levels.



All data-changes are stored in the background of BESTMIX, and every change will be visible, with the optional ability to store a reason for the change. With the extended query, it is possible to trace the changes of one nutrient in one ingredient for the last year.



Company knowledge is stored in equations to calculate derived nutrients or specific parameters. The equations can be secured in such a way that only selected users can use the equation, but will never get the information visible. The information will be encrypted even in offline systems, and can only be run when the offline system has a license for the equation.



BESTMIX can now also re-optimise a batch of 1400 compounds in less than eight seconds, and a high level of interactivity allows purchasing situations to be simulated in seconds. Optimisation of plants in various periods all produce results in seconds, which will boost a company''s decision-making capabilities.



BESTMIX also shows the maximum or minimum quantity of an ingredient in a set of compounds, which eliminates the trial-and-error approach and provides results in the first optimisation run.



BESTMIX can also help increase profits from a formulation through its ''free concentration'' formulation, according to Adifo.