FDA awards grants to three states to enhance food and feed safety

Publish time: 4th June, 2009      Source: www.cnchemicals.com
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June 4, 2009


FDA awards grants to three states to enhance food and feed safety

The US Food and Drug Administration recently enhanced its food and feed protection initiatives with the award of three one-year Food Safety and Security Monitoring grants totalling US$1 million to the states of Arkansas, Nebraska, and Wisconsin.



The funds support cooperative agreements designed to create a national integrated food safety system through enhanced federal and state collaboration in food emergency response activities.



The three states each received US$350,000 to fund Food Emergency Response Network (FERN) chemistry laboratories. FERN labs are essential to the FDA''s regulatory efforts and the grants may be used for facility upgrades, training in current food testing methodologies, and increased laboratory sample analysis capacity, and other activities.



In the event of a large-scale event affecting food or food products, the grant recipients may be required to perform selected analyses of food samples collected by the FDA or provided by other government agencies through the FDA.



The state recipients and highlights for each grant include:


-Arkansas Department of Health - The grant award will be used to increase the department''s ability to test for toxic and unknown substances in food products, provide regional support for national responses during food surveillance activities, increase state and local emergency response capacities and become more proficient in testing foods for toxic and unknown substances.
-Nebraska Department of Agriculture - The award will enable analyses of foods and food products in the event redundancy or additional laboratory capacity is needed for chemical-related analyses.

-Wisconsin Department of Agriculture - The grant will provide for standing reserve capacity within the FERN for response to chemical-related analysis needs, or an event of such significance that it threatens the national food supply.