University of Saskatchewan to unveil its new feed mill

Publish time: 7th May, 2009      Source:
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May 7, 2009


University of Saskatchewan to unveil its new feed mill


The University of Saskatchewan in Canada has built a C$12.6 million feed mill and research centre aimed to help scientists lower the cost of raising livestock by increasing the nutrition of additives, such as low-grade canola that are used in feed.



Project leader Bernard Laarveld from the university''s college of agriculture and bioresources says research on the use of canola is important as roughly two-thirds of the cost of raising an animal to market is the cost of feeding it. Last year, Laarveld said costs have shot up, putting pressure on producers and exporters who comprise the C$1-billion grain feed industry in Saskatchewan.



Laarvel said a poor-quality feed can be improved by throwing a bit of pea or canola oil mixed with some flax oil and canola oil. The combination will have a whole formulation that has high feeding value which lowers costs to producers.



He says the amount of low-grade canola available is increasing due to biofuel production, while international demand for high-quality feed remains high, especially in Asia.



The new facility replaces the existing research centre north of Circle Drive along the river, which is almost 50 years old. Laarveld says the new facility will mean faster turnaround, since the research and testing will happen at the same site.



The new feed mill from University of Saskatchewan will be ready as early as next summer.