Xingjia Bio-Engineering hosts international feed safety forum in Changsha

Publish time: 21st April, 2009      Source:
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April 21, 2009
Xingjia Bio-Engineering hosts international feed safety forum in Changsha

Changsha Xingjia Bio-Engineering Co Ltd collaborated with Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine (CAAV) and Pancosma, a Switzerland-based company that provides minerals to feed industry, to host an international forum on feed safety in Changsha, Hunan Province from April 18 to 20.

The three-day forum saw experts and academics sharing their comprehensive views on wide-ranging topics such as the growth prospects for feed industry in 2009 to the current development of sulphate feed additives sector.
With more than 600 guests comprising of sulphate feed additives producers, traders, feed companies'' representatives and experts attending the forum, it was one of the largest gathering of the sulphate feed additives industry.
Attendees of the forum included Mr Qiao Yufeng (Deputy Chairman of China Animal Agriculture Association), Dr Sebastian Oguey (Chief Scientist of Pancosma) Mr Huang Yiqiang (CEO of Changsha Xingjia Bio-Engineering), Dr Gretchen Hill (Professor, Department of Animal Science, Michigan State University) and Dr Yi Ganfeng from Dachan Great Wall Northeast Asia Corp.
Changsha Xingjia Bio-Engineering Co Ltd, a leading manufacturer of technologically-advanced feed additives in China, is committed to the development of pollution-free organic sulphate feed additives.