South Korea to keep close eye on US cattle feed review

Publish time: 30th March, 2009      Source:
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March 30, 2009


South Korea to keep close eye on US cattle feed review

A pending review by the US of cattle feed restriction will be closely watched by Seoul, the South Korean embassy said Friday (Mar 27) as the FDA delayed implementation of the feed measures by 60 days.



The US government had postponed, as part of a viability review process, enacting cattle feed regulations adopted under the previous administration. The measures under review include the "Enhanced Feed Ban", which was due to take effect April 27.



The ban prohibits the rendering of cattle aged above 30 months from being used in animal food products without first having the brain and spinal column removed. Older cows are considered more susceptible to mad cow disease.



A FDA spokesperson said the delay will allow more time for compliance.



The embassy said the delay would not affect South Korea's imports of US beef, but enactment of the enhanced feed ban would help allay persistent fears in South Korea about the safety of US beef.



The public in South Korea was strongly against the resumption of US beef imports due to fears of mad cow disease. Even after months since the market was reopened, fears had remained.