Protecting stored feed against moulds and yeasts

Publish time: 9th March, 2009      Source:
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March 9, 2009


Protecting stored feed against moulds and yeasts


A new research on Formycine Gold Px shows a sharp reduction in the progression of contamination of E. Coli mould and yeast up to 42 days after the pelleting process.



Reducing pathogens in raw materials and finished feeds has a direct impact on livestock health and performance.



Pellet processing of feeds is one of the methods to improve feed biosecurity but it does not eliminate the problem entirely.



Traces of bacterial, fungal or viral contamination can also multiply to pose significant sanitary and performance threats for the animal.



In the study, Formycine Gold Px was evaluated at two inclusion levels on feed contamination with E. coli, mould and yeast over 42 days after pelleting versus a control pelleted feed.



All contaminations showed growth after the third week. However, Formycine Gold Px reduced the progression of contamination up to 42 days.



The research is conducted by Carotenoid Technologies S.A. in Spain with Vietnam's Nong Lam University.