Biorigin's GlucaFeed registered in Canada

Publish time: 24th December, 2008      Source:
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December 24, 2008


Biorigin's GlucaFeed registered in Canada


Biorigin, a Brazilian company that operates in the yeast market for animal health and food ingredients, has announced the registration of the product GlucaFeed in Canada.



GlucaFeed is a product based on natural ingredients and is rich in beta 1.3 - 1.6 glucans. It became a part of the Biorigin portfolio following the acquisition of Norwegian company Immunocorp Animal Health, currently called Biorigin Scandinavia.



With the registration of GlucaFeed, Biorigin is able to expand its presence in the Canadian market, according to Paula Curiacos, Biorigin Animal Nutrition Manager.



Biorigin is the business unit of the company Zilor, taking part in the sector of natural ingredients for animal nutrition and human foods. It produces and markets yeasts and their byproducts, with its product portfolio including prebiotics, organic minerals, immunomodulators and etc. for livestock and aquaculture production.