Dutch co-op explores wet feed for layer poultry

Publish time: 22nd October, 2008      Source: www.cnchemicals.com
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October 22, 2008


Dutch co-op explores wet feed for layer poultry


Dutch feed cooperative Cehave Landbouwbelang is currently investigating feeding wet feeds to poultry.



Wet feeds are often by-products of food production from industries such as those from potatoes, milk processing and corn processing. It is normally served to pigs rather than poultry.



Cehave, a wet feed supplier and Weda, a feed equipment company, will start a pilot project with wet feed ingredients.



If successful, the new concept will be launched in the first half of 2009. Earlier trials with wet feeds showed lower costs and better performance with layer poultry.



Wet feeds, besides reducing production costs, also improves the sustainability of feed resources, the companies said.



Initial trials at Cehave's research farm with layers indicated that wet feed did reduce production costs. Layers produced heavier eggs, had better FCR, better uniformity and weight development and less mortality.



For the trial, Weda also developed a special mix and dosing system which makes it possible to supply the wet feeds to the hens in normal layer houses.