Avian flu detected anew in Laos

Publish time: 19th September, 2014      Source: www.cnchemicals.com
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September 19, 2014

Avian flu detected anew in Laos


Laos recently detected avian flucases in LuangPrabang in the north central part of the country.The incident was promptly reported tothe World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).


About 200 birds were found susceptible to low pathogenic H5N6 bird flu, Laoitian veterinary authorities said. Two of the birds were found dead, they said in their report to the OIE, while the rest were destroyed.


The OIE saysfive provinces in Northern Laosare being monitored closely following detection of bird flu cases in July.


The monitoring is being done with financial help from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).


Tests carried out by veterinary authorities in July confirmed the existence of the bird flu virus in that part of the country.


A follow-up test conducted this month by Laos'National Animal Health Laboratory (NAHL) has shown that a poultry farm where one-day-old chicken and ducks had just been introduced was found positive for H5N6.


Laos planned planned to send the positive samples to the Australian Animal Health Laboratory for sequencing.