Low China poultry population impedes calcium phosphate sales

Publish time: 21st March, 2014      Source: www.cnchemicals.com
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March 21, 2014
Low China poultry population impedes calcium phosphate sales
Prices continued to fall during the period in review.
As H7N9 bird flu epidemic decimated the population of poultry in China, poultry feed demand and hence calcium phosphate usages were slow over the past few months. Feed millers were therefore reluctant to increase stocks amid poor feed sales.
In Sichuan, transacted prices were around RMB1,650/tonne.
Calcium phosphate sales are unlikely to improve prominently as poultry population remains low while hog market stays weak. The market will be under pressure in the coming period.
RMB1=US$0.1606 (Mar 21)
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