Hong Kong further bans import of German poultry products

Publish time: 17th March, 2014      Source: www.cnchemicals.com
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March 17, 2014


Hong Kong further bans import of German poultry products


Following a notification from the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) on an outbreak of low-pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza in the state, Hong Kong banned the import of poultry meat and products, including poultry eggs, from Lower Saxony, Germany, with immediate effect.



This was announced by the Centre for Food Safety which has contacted German authorities over the issue and will closely monitor developments.



An import ban in effect since November on the same items from two other German states, Thuringen and Baden-Wurttemberg, remains in force.



Hong Kong has imported about 8,000 tonnes of frozen poultrymeat from Germany last year.