Vietnam bans import of Chinese poultry on fear of H7N9

Publish time: 19th February, 2014      Source:
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February 19, 2014


Vietnam bans import of Chinese poultry on fear of H7N9


Due to the fear over H7N9 virus spreading into Vietnam through trafficked poultry across the border, Vietnam has banned poultry imports from China, animal health officials said.



"We need to aggressively prevent the trading of poultry that may contain H7N9 virus. Stopping illegal poultry trading is our top priority," Cao Duc Phat, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development said.



Avian influenza A (H7N9) had not been seen in animals or humans since it was detected in China last March.



In Quangxi, a province bordering Vietnam, two H7N9 human cases have been reported. "There's no vaccine for H7N9 and this is like fighting a war without a weapon," Pham Van Dong, Head of Animal Health Department said.



There's no official estimate on illegal poultryimports from China. However, in one major poultry market alone in Hanoi, the number could be five tonnes per day, sources said.