Mexico ends campaigns against swine fever and avian salmonellosis

Publish time: 30th July, 2014      Source:
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July 30, 2014



Mexico ends campaigns against swine fever and avian salmonellosis




Mexico's animal health authority has announced the cessation of local campaigns against classical swine fever and avian salmonellosis in the country



The Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) has cancelled two Mexican Official Standards, indicating that Mexico is free of classical swine fever and avian salmonella.



To protect domestic pig and poultry industries and prevent the recurrences of these diseases, the Secretariat - through SENASICA - has established monitoring programmes and epidemiological research.



In the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF) this month, SAGARP published cancellation notices regarding the National Campaign Against Fever Classical swine (FPC, NOM-037-ZOO-1995) and the National Campaign against Avian Salmonellosis (NOM-005-ZOO-1993).



The cancellation of these rules is based on the absence of classical swine fever outbreaks in Mexico since January 30, 2009.



In addition, three previously-affected states have been free from avian salmonellosis since September 8, 2009.