Canada McDonald's to be first in accepting sustainable beef

Publish time: 30th May, 2014      Source:
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May 30, 2014


Canada McDonald''s to be first in accepting sustainable beef




Canada will be the first country to supply its McDonald''s restaurants with proven sustainable beef as part of the company''s efforts to improve its environmental credentials.


In January this year, McDonald''s that it would begin sourcing only verifiable sustainable beef in 2016. The multinational company is now in talks with Canadian beef producers who may become its first certified suppliers.
Alberta will play a crucial role in the pilot supply project. The province is the heart of Canada''s beef industry, and home to about 40% of the national cattle herd and about 80% of the country''s beef processing.


The Canadian Cattlemen''s Association, Alberta Beef Producers and other industry players have been meeting McDonald''s Canada officials to discuss how a sustainable supply chain can be put in place.


"McDonald''s ... has made the commitment to begin purchases of verified sustainable beef, beginning by 2016 - and likely from Canada," McDonald''s Canada spokesman John Gibson confirmed.


Fawn Jackson, manager of environment and sustainability for the CCA, said that Canada''s animal welfare standards made it a "natural fit" for a pilot project.


The country''s new Verified Beef Production programme upholds food safety standards during processing, Jackson added. Checks on other areas including animal care and biodiversity were being added as well.


"We''ve got all the building blocks right here," said Bryan Walton, the chief executive of the Alberta Cattle Feeders'' Association. "We''re a beef nation. We have the land base, we have the know-how, we have the infrastructure."
Executives from McDonald''s sustainability team visited CL Ranch near Calgary on May 13 to get a first-hand look at the realities of beef production.


"We were just able to talk about some of the situations we face on a day-to-day basis," said CL Ranch chief executive, Cherie Copithorne-Barnes.


Copithorne-Barnes chairs the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef. Being the first to land a deal with McDonald''s could give the market a significant edge internationally, she said.


"Any time you can create a unique marketing position, it''s good, and Canada is an export-driven market," she said. However, she cautioned that any deal must avoid duplicating sustainability efforts the industry had already made.


Pine Lake cow-calf producer and CCA director, Doug Sawyer, said work defining what sustainable actually means and how it would be verified would likely focus on combining the checks and balances the industry already has in place.


Canada already has environmental and animal traceability systems in place to support sustainable production, Sawyer said. A new animal welfare code of practice has also been developed.


"We''re just in the process of putting all of our pieces together that we already have and we''ll try to identify any gaps that are there," he said.


That would come in the form of the Beef Information Exchange System - known as BIXS - which would provide a single source for all the information about a cattle needed to prove sustainable beef production.


"It can be difficult to exchange information from one side of the programme to the other and so (BIXS) enables that," Jackson said.