Canada to import PED vaccine

Publish time: 3rd February, 2014      Source:
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February 3, 2014



Canada to import PED vaccine




Triggered by the deadly pig virus that has been found on hog farms in Ontario, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency will issue permits allowing veterinarians to import a vaccine against the porcine epidemic diarrhoea (PED) virus.



Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz says the manufacturer''s preliminary studies have shown that vaccinated pigs develop antibodies against the PED virus.



Ritz said that as a precautionary measure against the virus, the vaccine will be available for use in Canada under veterinary supervision in pigs.



The highly contagious virus, which has killed millions of piglets in the US, continued to spread in Ontario as officials confirmed a fourth case in the province.



Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne discussed a cohesive national approach to battling the outbreak with her federal, provincial and territorial counterparts. Wynne says she is committed to helping the Ontario pork industry increase compliance with enhanced biosecurity protocols, and national information sharing to mitigate the impact of PED.



The Chief Veterinary Officer of Canada is working with provincial counterparts and industry stakeholders to ensure co-ordinated leadership on the response to the disease, Ritz said.



Officials stress that there is no risk to human health or food safety.



A group representing Ontario hog farmers has said the virus is spread through contact with manure, which can cling to trucks, trailers, clothing and boots.