Australia's red meat exports to Canada increase

Publish time: 22nd November, 2013      Source:
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November 22, 2013


Australia's red meat exports to Canada increase


Data from the Department of Agriculture revealed that Australia has increased its red meat exports to Canada so far this year.



In January-October 2013, Australia's beef exports to Canada increased 18% on-year, to 14,014 tonnes swt. Lamb exports to Canada grew 21% to 4,629 tonnes swt, while frozen mutton exports jumped 193%, to 418 tonnes swt.



Meatand Livestock Australia (MLA) said: "Much of this increase in trade is due to greater availability of product out of Australia and a shift in export destinations of beef from New Zealand, rather than a notable increase in demand. Nonetheless, as one of Australia's highest unit value export destinations, the increase in trade is positive for the industry."