EU welcomes re-opening of US market for EU beef

Publish time: 4th November, 2013      Source:
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November 4, 2013



EU welcomes re-opening of US market for EU beef



Press release




The European Commission welcomes the USDA''sdecision to bring US legislation in line with international standards for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE),thus allowing the resumption of exportingEU beef and other bovine products to the country.



Thedecision will be published in the Federal Register, withthe rule taking effect 90 days after publication. The market re-opening of the US alsoaffirms to EU’s trading partners that EU beef is safe and that imports should resume soon.



The announcement is aprogressive steptowards re-establishing normal trading conditions between EU and US. The US market has been closed since January 1998, when the US imposed a ban on EU beefdue toBSE.



The US''s import restrictions on EU’s beef, sheep and goat (ruminant animals) products went beyond the standards of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), according to which, deboned skeletal muscle beef is safe and can be freely traded from all countries.



In addition, the OIE has evaluated the BSE risk status of EU member states, and determined that almost all EU member states have the same or a better risk status than most countries in the world.



The EU expects that remaining import restrictions on EU sheep and goat products will be lifted soon and the US import conditions be fully aligned with international standards shortly.



The EU internal market has delivered a high level of food safety for consumers both in the EU and abroad based on international standards, which were established in 2005.



American Meat Institute''s president and CEO, J. Patrick Boyle, said on November 2, "AMI welcomes USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service''s (APHIS) comprehensive US BSE rule released today. The rule is a significant step forward to make US beef import regulations more consistent with international animal health standards. We have long said that having such a rule in place will show leadership on the global scale and believe it will enhance US trade and give USTR and USDA a stronger position to press other nations to follow the OIE’s guidelines and adopt science-based BSE policies. Using internationally recognised science-based standards as the basis for trade facilitates exports and imports of meat and poultry products - for the benefit of consumers and producers."



Meanwhile, the EU and the US are currently negotiating a trade agreement, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which aims at removing trade barriers in a wide range of economic sectors to make it easier for goods transcationsand services between the EU and the US.



On top of cutting tariffs across all sectors, the EU and the USintend to tackle barriers behind the customs border, such as differences in technical regulations, standards and approval procedures. The negotiations will also look at opening both markets for services, investment, and public procurement.



With about US$2.70 billion worth of goods and services trading between the two parties daily, the EU-US trade relationship is thelargest of its kindin the world. Aremoval of any trade barrier could result in significant economic gains.