Biogenesis Bagoto build FMD vaccine plant in China

Publish time: 15th October, 2013      Source:
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October 15, 2013


Biogenesis Bagoto build FMD vaccine plant in China






Chinese government officials have permitted Argentinian animal health and vaccine exports company Biogenesis Bago toestablish a vaccine production unit inShaanxi province, which will be called Yangling Jinhai Biotechnology and will supply China and the broader Asian market with FMD vaccines.



The decision was confirmed by Argentina''s Agricultural Minister, Norberto Yuahar, while addressing an expectant assembly at the Garin headquarters of Biogenesis Bago, Buenos Aires province. Yuahar told Biogenesis staff that high standards of work must be maintained.



In 2010, the wheels were set in motion when China''s vice president, Li Yuanchao, visited the Biogenesis Bago facility to receive lectures on site protocol and was given presentations on laboratory operations.



HILE Biotechnology is providing the initial investment to allow building work to commence. The pig and poultry vaccine manufacturer is expected to release US$60 million.



According to Chinese ambassador, Hengmin Yin, the announcement illustrates the healthy relationship between the Chinese and Argentinian agricultural and livestock sectors. He added that the two nations are at a ''prime'' point in their bilateral history.



Yuahar said, "The possibility of installing a plant of this size in the Asian giant is a sign of collaboration between public and private bodies. "This partnership should ensure that the highest international quality standards are kept within the framework."