Brandt Consolidatedexpands distribution of Verdesian products

Publish time: 8th December, 2014      Source: Springfield, Illinois, USA
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Brandt Consolidatedexpands distribution of Verdesian productsBrandt Consolidatedexpands distribution of Verdesian products" title="Share this link on Facebook">Springfield, Illinois, USADecember 8, 2014BRANDT, a leading manufacturer of agricultural specialty products, hassigned a new distribution agreement with Verdesian Life Sciences, LLC. The agreement grants BRANDT the exclusiveright to sell and market Verdesian’s patented Steric chemistry in the Turf and Ornamental and eastern U.S. Ag marketsunder the BRANDT Reaction® product line name. In addition, BRANDT will market a number of other key Verdesianproducts from the legacy Northwest Agricultural Products portfolio (excluding WA, OR, ID, NV, UT, MT and WY).BRANDT currently sells and markets BRANDT Sterics in the western U.S.BRANDT Sterics have a strong following in the west and product demand is continuing to expand south and east. Thechemistry improves nutrient uptake and efficiency of phosphorus, potassium and sulfur by delaying the reaction andtie up of nutrients in the soil so they remain available to the plant for a longer period of time. BRANDT Sterics areespecially beneficial in high alkaline and acidic soils where nutrient tie up is common.“We are very excited to expand BRANDT’s relationship with Verdesian” said Rodger Younker, national sales director atBRANDT. “Our customers have seen the value and ROI BRANDT Sterics bring in terms of fertilizer efficiency, innovationand responsible nutrient management practices. We’re looking forward to bringing this technology and other Verdesianproducts into new markets.”The distribution agreement is effective immediately. Products will be available at select retailers and distributorsthroughout the U.S.“The agreement with BRANDT extends the reach of our patented chemistries to new markets searching for nutrien efficiency solutions,” said Greg Thompson, chief operating officer for Verdesian. “The alignment continues to be anatural fit. Both companies are centered on delivering products that increase productivity and yield, and provideincremental value to our customers.”More news from:. Verdesian Life Sciences, LLC. Brandt Consolidated, Inc. Website: December 8, 2014The news item on this page is copyright by the organization where it originatedFair use notice