China Crop Protection Summit 2011 Wrapped up in Shanghai

Publish time: 24th March, 2011      Source: CCM
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      CCPS (China Crop Protection Summit) 2011, sponsored by Guangzhou CCM Information Science and Technology Co., Ltd, has achieved a great success and wrapped up in Shanghai on Mar.19, 2011. Both the onsite interactions and feedback questionnaire has showed participants' satisfaction of the summit and their anticipation to the 2012 session.




      The summit, including 2 workshops and 4 conferences, was carried out in medium size, with about 70 participants in total, and all of them are either in the position of manager, professional or above in their related fields from China and world marketplace's leading players.




      The summit has attracted top managers from famous enterprises such as BASF and Bayer, as CCM has the accumulation of experience and fame in the previous CCPS, including the invitation of experts to have speech and considerate arrangements in the whole process. On the other hand, the efforts in topic selection, information preparation and speaker invitation were also critical to the success. CCM aims at forging CCPS as a professional high-end summit launched on regular basis. Its attention and endeavor must lead to the authority of this summit.




      Topics covered in the conferences are extensive focusing on the aspects heatedly discussed in China's crop protection industry, ranging from analysis of China's agrochemical markets to Chinese players exploration in overseas market, from agrochemical industry's clean production to seed treatment, and intermediates to manufacture agrochemicals, etc. Topics greatly varied, while constantly stayed on what the companies mostly concern. Many hard-to-obtained market statistics and useful information have been shared and discussed, some of which may even have influence on company decision-makers' future plan and strategies. That's why CCPS 2011 can gain much more applauses than any other session. 




      Besides the approvals from the attendees, our partner media also think highly of this event.  Based on the active discussions, feedback questionnaire and positive responses from participants, Manager Liang, from CCM, showed her appreciation of the success of this event. But she also pointed out there is still some space to improve this summit. The coming CCPS 2012, to be carried more hopes and expectation from CCM, 2011 participants and more professionals that knowing CCPS by its wider spread reputation, will move from good to better in 2012.



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