Liquid Biofuel Sees Promising Market

Publish time: 2nd April, 2011      Source: CCM
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      The world seems feeling kind of pressure on its energy and resources with diverse challenges. That's maybe why everyday there are news and events on energy and resources. For instance, the 2011 Asia and Pacific Business Outlook Conference is focused on sustainability and green business opportunities in Asia, including energy and water conservation, renewable energy and clean coal technologies, as well as the wider green technology industry.  Recent report on 29, March, 2011, also showed that China came in first in clean-energy investment with $54.4 billion in 2010.  




      The increasing importance of energy reservation has prevailed these years which drove countries to take effective actions. Chinese biomass energy has also witnessed a rapid development in the past few years with short supply of fossil fuel, and China has issued series policies and incentives for biomass industry in China to promote the development of this industry.  At present, technology bottlenecks and insufficient grain feedstock supply are two major obstacles for development of biomass energy products, including liquid biofuel, biopower generation, solid biofuel and biomass gas.




      Among all biomass energy products, fuel ethanol has developed best in China with strong support from the government. Since fuel ethanol only takes up less than 1% of the total oil fuel consumption, it has huge development potential.


      CCM's report on Biomass products - Liquid biofuel market presents an overall picture of liquid biofuel in China and makes a forecast on China's liquid biofuel market (2010~2015) through the analysis of general situation of current China's liquid biofuel market, feedstock supply, fuel ethanol and biodiesel, supply and production situation by products, marketing channels and consumption situation.  




      The report mainly discussed the 2 kinds of liquid biofuel : fuel ethanol and biodiesel. They are to be distinguished from fossil liquid fuels which are also of biological origin but which are non-renewable. Biodiesel can be blended with diesel and fuel ethanol is primarily blended with petrol. Currently the majority of vehicle engines are designed to run on blends of at least 5% biofuel.  




      The report exposes bottlenecks that liquid biofuel has faced. After government enacted regulations to restrict corn use in fuel ethanol production, future development of biomass energy industry is hampered by immature technology of second-generation fuel ethanol, limited planting areas and low yield of non-grain feedstock. As for the raw materials of biodiesel, China is actively exploring energy crops to replace insufficient waste oil.


      Although liquid biofuel faces bottlenecks now, the future prospect of liquid biofuel will be promising in China after the immature technology is improved and the problem of raw materials shortage is resolved because it is the very substitute for petroleum.



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