United Kingdom - New Group 1 KWS Trinity wheat set to become a milling mainstay

Publish time: 22nd December, 2014      Source: United Kingdom
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United Kingdom - New Group 1 KWS Trinity wheat set to become a milling mainstayUnited Kingdom - New Group 1 KWS Trinity wheat set to become a milling mainstay" title="Share this link on Facebook">United KingdomDecember 2014With yields on a par with the market-leading feed variety, excellent disease ratings and a provisional Group 1 classification, KWS Trinity has the potential to become a leading breadmaker.According to NABIM, KWS Trinity’s performance is consistent with that of other Group 1 varieties. The national flour millers association says it exhibits good gluten quality even at lower protein levels and has shown good baking performance across three years of testing.This is supported by KWS UK’s own work with commercial bakers which confirms that KWS Trinity regularly delivers loaves with good structure and excellent texture, resilience, softness and crumb strength.“As a result, KWS Trinity is already attracting considerable interest amongst the UK’s milling and baking industry,” confirms KWS value chain manager, Kirsty Richards.Dr Richard’s colleague, winter wheat breeder, Mark Dodds says that the variety looks set to deliver high gross margins for the grower. “Its yield of 102% in RL trials is equal to that of JB Diego, the UK’s most widely grown wheat,” he says.Recommended List data shows that KWS Trinity has done well in all regions of the UK on light and heavy land, and is the highest yielding Group 1 in Eastern Region trials.“With Grafton and Einstein in it’s pedigree it will come as no surprise that KWS Trinity also performs well as a second wheat,” says Mr Dodds.“In official trials, KWS Trinity has produced superb Hagbergs (337), unbeaten by any recommended variety and a good specific weight of 77.1kg/hl.“Like all high yielding breadmakers, including Skyfall, KWS Trinity’s protein is on the low side in official trials where wheats are grown to a feed protocol,” he says.“In our own experience in both Product Development trials and on-farm crops is that growers will have little problem adjusting nitrogen regimes to deliver the proteins that the miller wants,” confirms Mr Dodds.Agronomically, KWS Trinity has an exceptional disease resistance package. It has 9 ratings for mildew and yellow rust, an 8 for brown rust, alongside a solid 5-rating for Septoria tritici. In addition it has a 7 for Fusarium, a useful trait in a milling variety.“Combine this with short and stiff straw (at 81cm height) – an 8 rating for lodging with PGRs – plus early maturity rated the same as Crusoe, and it looks likely to suit most farm situations.”“With such a strong range of agronomic attributes, we see KWS Trinity slotting in alongside last year’s newcomer Skyfall, with both becoming the two mainstays for the miller over the next few years,” suggests Mr Dodds.More news from: KWS UK Ltd Website: http://www.cnchemicals.com/: December 22, 2014The news item on this page is copyright by the organization where it originatedFair use notice