Charlock in oil seed rape

Publish time: 1st April, 2015      Source: United Kingdom
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Charlock in oil seed rapeCharlock in oil seed rape" title="Share this link on Facebook">United KingdomApril 4, 2015Photo taken by: Ruth StanleyLocation: LincolnshireDate: 26th March 2015Weeds such as charlock, hedge mustard, shepards purse and runch can be difficult to control in oil seed rape crops impacting on seed quality, oil content and yield loss. Trusting that frost will control weeds can be unpredictable and unreliable as seen in the photograph.The Clearfield oil seed rape system allows the use of a post emergence herbicide with reliable control against problem weeds. An application of 2 lts ha of Cleranda with adjuvant Dash, post emergence of the crop will control a wide range of broad leaved weeds allowing rape to be grown on land that may not have been suitable due to the weed burden.More news from: BASF Crop Protection UKWebsite: April 1, 2015The news item on this page is copyright by the organization where it originatedFair use notice