Pesticides are more potent at proper pH

Publish time: 7th April, 2015      Source: Michigan State University Extension
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Have you ever had pesticides that seemed less than effective? It could be due to the pH of the carrier solution.


Posted on April 6, 2015 by Kristin Getter, Michigan State University Extension, Department of Horticulture

Figure 1. pH scale.

Figure 1. pH scale.


Many greenhouse owners are very careful and deliberate when choosing which pesticides to use on pests. If they’ve chosen a product that has either been recommended by Michigan State University Extension or has been effective for many other greenhouse operations, but has not been very effective in their own operation, they may assume the pests in their greenhouse are resistant to the chosen chemistry. While this may certainly be the case, double check the pH of your water isn’t the real culprit.

pH is a measure of the hydrogen ions in solution and is measured on a scale of 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral (Figure 1). A pH of less than 7 is acidic while a pH greater than 7 is basic or alkaline. If water is alkaline (greater than 7), then a process called alkaline hydrolysis may occur to pesticides or plant growth regulators mixed into it that breaks the active ingredient down, resulting in a product that is not as effective, or possibly even phytotoxic to plants. As a general rule, insecticides and miticides are more susceptible to alkaline hydrolysis than are fungicides.

The ideal water pH for most pesticides is between 5.0 and 6.5 (Figure 2). However, always read the pesticide label for precise recommendations for that specific chemistry. To modify the carrier water pH, add an acidifying or buffering agent to the water before adding the pesticide. Also, depending on your water source, the pH can change over a period of time (years or even within a season), so test the pH of your water frequently. To ensure mixed pesticides are as effective as they can be (i.e., to limit the risk of breaking down in solution), always use the mixture as soon as possible (within six hours). 

Like many pesticides, [this products] stability may be impacted by high pH and high temperature. For optimum performance, maintain spray mixtures containing [this product] within a range of pH 5.5 to 6.5.

This product can be combined safely and effectively at recommended dosage rates with most commonly used fungicides and insecticides, with the exception of oil and strongly alkaline materials. Alkaline materials will reduce the fungicidal activity of this product.

Figure 2. Modified excerpts of a miticide label (left) and a fungicide label (right) indicating proper handling of pH.


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