Vice Minister Chen Xiaohua meets Japanese counterpart

Publish time: 7th April, 2015      Source: MOA
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Vice Minister Chen Xiaohua meets Japanese counterpart

DATE:2015-04-07           SOURCE:MOA

Vice Minister Chen Xiaohua held a courtesy meeting with Toshiko Abe, Senior Vice Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan on April 3rd, 2015. The two sides exchanged views on China-Japan agricultural exchanges and cooperation.

Chen stated that China and Japan have always maintained sound agricultural cooperation. Currently, issues like food security, climate change and resource constraints have increasingly drawn attention of all countries. Economic globalization and regional cooperation have also witnessed further development. Under such a background, Chen hoped that both sides would further enhance exchanges and cooperation in the areas of rural policies, agricultural technologies and food security.

Toshiko Abe fully agreed with Chen's comments on bilateral cooperation and expressed her willingness to step up the partnership with China on food security and agricultural trade so as to promote agricultural development of both countries.