2014 quality report supports Australia’s wheat exports

Publish time: 28th April, 2015      Source: Australia
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2014 quality report supports Australia’s wheat exports2014 quality report supports Australia’s wheat exports" title="Share this link on Facebook">AustraliaApril 23, 2015Source:Australian Export GrainsInnovation Centre (AEGIC)During 2014 Australian grain growers produced wheat ideal for a range of noodles, breads and other baked products enjoyed by international consumers.These are among the findings of the 2014 Australian Wheat Quality Report published this week. The report has been produced by GrainGrowers, in partnership with the Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre (AEGIC).The Report is designed to help customers in their use of Australian milling wheat.“Millers, bakers and other processors rely on technical data such as protein, moisture and flour extraction levels to understand the functionality of the wheat they are using,” AEGIC Chief Executive Officer David Fienberg said.He said AEGIC’s engagement with customers across the world had revealed a strong and consistent demand for enhanced data on the Australian wheat harvest.“Our customersare telling us the more information the better. In particular they are demanding data that is comparable in detail to that provided by our traditional competitors, the United States and Canada.”Average rainfall across the majority of Australia’s grainbelt during 2014, with the exception of Queensland and northern New South Wales, resulted in a wheat harvest of about 24 million tonnes - 12 per cent lower than the2013 season. Typically Australia exports about 20 million tonnes of wheat per annum.The mostly-favourable growing conditions produced high-quality wheat – Australian Prime Hard with average protein levels of 10.5% and Australian Hard and Australian Noodle Wheat producing bright, consistently-coloured noodles.The analysis was carried out by GrainGrowers. Each sample submitted was graded, allowing assessors to form representative state-grade samples for more detailed milling, flour and end product assessment.GrainGrowers CEO Alicia Garden said the Australian Wheat Quality Report was the fourth report of its kind GrainGrowers had produced.“It is hoped the Report will be of immediate value to our international wheat customers and will assist Australia to better meet market requirements into the future.”Ms Garden said the Report also benefited from the participation of the National Grains Farm Biosecurity Program, administered by Plant Health Australia.“The 1000 wheat samples provided an excellent opportunity to support the national surveillance program and it is pleasing to confirm that no instances of exotic pests were recorded,” Ms Garden said.The Australian Wheat Quality Report for season 2014 was independently funded by GrainGrowers and AEGIC and does not represent any grain trading interests.Mr Fienberg said AEGIC was pleased to work with GrainGrowers to support what is a vital publication for the continued success of Australia’s wheat export sector.“The ultimate goal is to enhance Australian wheat’s international competitiveness and to return increased value to growers.”View the Report here or at graingrowers.com.au.To receive a hard copy email admin@aegic.org.auPublished: April 28, 2015The news item on this page is copyright by the organization where it originatedFair use notice